Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A biT oF my FiRsT tOuGhT Of MySeLf

Am not a creature,
born out of nowhere,
Am also a human,
just like u,
born in this world,
It's just that,
am not like any other human......
Am a very rare one,
Am one of a kind,
full of surprises and care,
that others would not understand,
which is alien to others,
they never really understand,
what it feels like to be in my shoes,
they think am no more than what they think i am,
so they would make fun of......
tease me or even haunt me in my dreams,
But am not going to get hurt,
or even get a bit bothered,
Because, i realized something........
They are doing stupid things,
to make me look like a fool,
to make me look like the black-sheep,
coz they are actually very JEALOUS of me......
coz they cannot accept that i can be who i am,and still be HAPPY...........
they cannot accept that fact that i am HAPPY, coz
who i am now,
a result of what i choose to do,
to be....


  1. very inspirational..=)gud job gurl..=)

  2. tx loads babe... more to come after this yar...

  3. so u r the author of this lovely poem? i read it in Communique (Eliana actually 'forced' us to buy hehe..pity her..)

    im ur senior (Sukainah)..if anything i can help u with ur study jz feel free to ask k?

    it is free! hehe

  4. hey hie... yes indeed i am...in fact for ALL the other poems as well.... =)
    i love writing poems whenever i am in the mood... tx loads for the offer, will keep tat in mind... wif the way things are going, guess i will seek ur help very soon... tx again...
